Sunday, August 21, 2011


I am so sorry dear friends for being absent for nearly 2 weeks, we are a little overwhelmed with everything that is going on at the moment, I'm afraid I don't even know where to start, I feel like I am just treading water, getting things done but not really moving forward.   August, September and October are probably our busiest months on the property along with schooling etc...  It doesn't leave much time.

The girls and I spent the last few days in Charleville for the School of Airs Sports Cluster Muster.  The girls had so much fun catching up with their friends and learning new sports they are exhausted but estatic.

The girls at the school disco waiting for some dinner with their bestest friends (4 blonde princesses).  They were wearing these handbands with butterflys that flash bright blue lights, very cute, but very distracting on the eyes.  They were sad to have to leave their friends and come home, luckily it is only a short time till mini school where they will see each other again.  They get to talk to each other on air, so cute.

I have been making some inchies (1"x1" square) for some swaps..  These are what I have managed so far.  I must say, these are quite addictive once you start making them and the girls like making them to.

Have a great day.


Anonymous said...

The girls look so cute and you inchies look great,well done

rosie said...

I know what it is like on the farm Lisa.. and you have two little ones as well. Sometimes it is nice to only blog when you really have something to say..