Friday, November 26, 2010

Carpet Snakes and other things

My mum has this rather large carpet snake living on their verandah.  Big E has taken a couple of its skin to school for show and tell, but it has always been hiding when we have been visiting.  Not this time, it stayed curled up in the rafters the whole time we were there, coming down at night.  The girls spent most of their time checking to see if it had moved at all. 

For my mum the latest photo of the frog tamer.  Big E adores frogs and for some reason they don't jump off her, she can walk around with them like this.  At least we have one person that finds them easy to catch.

Another week has flown by, which means Christmas is getting even closer.  I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet.  I am usually so organised.  I am finding it hard to muster the energy it requires this year.  Maybe next week will be better.

Have a great weekend